Frequently Asked Questions

What is the nature of the Coast Entertaiment Holdings?

Coast Entertainment Holdings Limited trades on the Australian Stock Exchange under the ticker code CEH, and was formerly Ardent Leisure Group Limited (ALG).

On 20 November 2018 securityholders approved the proposal for the corporatisation of Ardent Leisure Group which involved a new ASX listed entity called Ardent Leisure Group Limited (ASX:ALG) becoming the single head entity of Ardent Leisure Group in place of the previous stapled structure.

Further details in relation to the corporatisation can be found in the  Securityholder Booklet  released on 10 October 2018.

How do I have payments made directly to my bank or building society?

If you are an individual holder you can update your details online at the  Registry’s website . All other issuer sponsored investors (joint holders, companies, etc) need to complete and sign the  request credit of payments form  (PDF) and forward by mail to the Registry. Please note the account name provided must be in the name of the registered security holder.

Does Coast Entertainment Holdings have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)?

Yes. The DRP allows securityholders to have their dividends reinvested in additional securities in Ardent Leisure, rather than having their dividends paid to them. The DRP price for new securities is currently calculated at a 2.0% discount to the average volume weighted average market price of CEH securities recorded on the ASX and Chi-X during the ten business days commencing on the second business day following the Record Date of the income period to which the distribution relates. The Company may at the Board’s discretion suspend or activate the DRP by general announcement to the ASX.

For further information on the DRP, a copy of the current  DRP Booklet  is available on the Corporate Governance page of this website. If you wish to participate, please contact the Registry on 1300 720 560.

How do I change my address?

If you are an individual holder, you can do this online at the  Registry’s website . All other issuer sponsored investors (joint holders, companies, etc) should complete a change of address form and send by mail to the Registry.

For security reasons, changing your address details is not available to broker-sponsored securityholders. You will need to advise your broker of any change.

How do I change my name?

You can change your name by completing a  name correction request and indemnity form  (PDF) and forward by mail to the Registry.

Please note that the Registry is unable to accept change of name requests by facsimile, email or phone. The form should be completed and signed correctly and accompanied by relevant supporting documentation. If you are signing under a power of attorney, a certified copy of the original power of attorney must be lodged with the Registry for noting (if not already noted). Supporting documentation requirements differ, depending on the reason for the change of name.

For security reasons, this facility is not available to broker-sponsored security holders. You will need to advise your broker of any change.

How can I give notification of my Tax File Number (TFN)?

Advice of TFNs can be made by downloading the  tax file number or Australian business number notification form  (PDF) and sending by mail to the Registry.

Under Australian tax law, a company is entitled to ask its securityholders to disclose their tax file numbers (TFN) to the company.  A securityholder can choose to disclose or not disclosure their TFN.

If a securityholder chooses not to disclose their TFN or details of any relevant exemptions to the company, the company is required under Australian tax law to withhold tax at the top marginal rate plus the Medicare levy, on any dividends paid to the securityholder, unless the dividend is fully franked.

How do I contact the Registry?

The Registrar – Coast Entertainment Holdings Limited

Link Market Services Limited

Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235

Telephone: 1300 720 560 (within Australia)

Or: +61 1300 720 560 (outside Australia)

Facsimile: +61 2 9287 0303

Email:  [email protected]