Charitable Donations

The Group is pleased to support ShareGift Australia, which gives investors the opportunity to sell and donate small parcels of securities to charity without the need to appoint a stockbroker or pay brokerage fees.

ShareGift Australia is a not-for-profit organisation who provides a transparent and tax-deductible way for shareholders to convert their small shareholdings into significant donations for Australian charities. Many individuals hold small parcels of shares that may cost more to sell than the shares themselves are worth.

Once an investor has completed the donation form on the ShareGift website at . ShareGift sells the securities and distributes the proceeds to Australian charities holding deductible gift recipient status. The investor will not need to pay brokerage costs and will receive a letter with details of the sale as a receipt for taxation purposes.

The proceeds are then distributed to eligible charities and donors are invited to recommend charities to receive donations. The board of ShareGift Australia considers these recommendations and has the discretion to determine which charity will receive any cash donation and the amount and timing of such gift.

More information can be found on the ShareGift website: .